Response Journal (Google Sheets)
This digital personal response journal uses Google Sheets to organise responses to novel and film studies and includes many response prompts to enhance literary thinking should students be struggling with what to say. Response journals empower and engage students. Here's why this one's a goodie!
COLUMNSs are headed with aspects/element of literature including character, setting, symbolism, language techniques, main ideas and purpose. Students make notes in each of these columns as they work ACROSS A ROW for each chapter. If they get stuck with what they could discuss, they simply click on the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet to go to the many prompts provided.
HERE IS WHERE THE MAGIC LIES! Upon completion of the text and their response journal, students will find their notes are automatically organised:
⭐ Reading ACROSS the rows gives a sound set of notes about EACH CHAPTER/SIGNIFICANT SCENE.
⭐ Reading DOWN the columns give a sound set of notes about EACH ASPECT OF LITERATURE - eg: each character, the setting, symbolism, main ideas...
❤️ This spreadsheet can then be printed (it may take some piecing together, depending on your printer) to form a fantastic map of text notes!
This has been tried and tested by my classes and the students found their 'maps':
➀ Easy to study from.
➁ Useful as a visual way of mapping out their texts, bringing it all together and allowing them to see structures and developments easily.
➂ Comforting as they had a comprehensive compilation of notes all in one place.
Remember, because it's a Google Sheet you can edit it to suit your specific needs and your students can type straight into it.
Response journals for English Literature studies can be:
✅ Completed in class, then used to enhance class discussions
✅ Completed for homework
✅ Set for a sub/relief lesson idea
✅ Used by students in an open-book test
✅ Referred to by students to write essays
✅ Used for exam study.
If you love the idea of using Google Sheets for reading, you might also love the idea of using them for writing. Try my Google Sheets for planning and structuring writing for 8 different genre / purposes.
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A lot of work went into this. I’d prefer you kept this resource to yourself. I’m happy for you to share larger products (like the Achievement Standard and Unit Standard tasks) with others in your department, but this is just a wee price. Buy your own, and let others buy theirs. Cheers! 😊