US 22751 - V6 - EAP L4 - Read and Process Information
This fully editable resource is designed to scaffold students through Unit Standard 22751 - Read and process information in English for an Academic purpose - version 6. It includes notes on reading skills, introductory and practice activities and everything you need for the assessment. Their purpose for reading is to answer a research question (provided).
PLEASE NOTE, if you are using our resources to complete the suite of three EAP standards for students' UE literacy, note that we deliberately use the same texts across all three. This means, you should have students complete the standards in this order:
- Unit Standard 22751 (This one. Do this first because texts must be unseen for this standard.), then
- Unit Standard 22750 (Use of our texts is optional here), and finally
- Unit Standard 22749 (Students should be familiar with the texts for this).
(Easy to remember - reverse numerical order. )
This resource includes:
⭐ A coversheet to attach to students' completed scripts. This is to help you with marking and moderation.
⭐ A student preparation book which includes:
- Notes about reading skills
- A 'Warrant of Reading Fitness' activity to build students' reading confidence.
- A practice activity that mimics the real assessment.
⭐ TWO assessment options (separate booklets) - your students will choose to read and process information (an article) about EITHER:
- How the Pacific Islands are adapting to climate change OR
- How tiny homes are responding to the impacts of climate change.
(Yes, version 4 required students to read BOTH of these, however they now only need to 'do' ONE (assessed on one occasion though).)
⭐ Answers to everything, including the WoF, practice assessment and both assessment options.
You and your students will enjoy:
❤️ Easy navigation with a clickable table of contents, 'home page' button, and navigational hyperlinks throughout.
❤️ Clear instructions.
❤️ Unpacked achievement criteria.
❤️ Checkpoints to help students manage their time.
❤️ Building reading confidence prior to the assessment (not just to help with the assessment, but for 'life' - there are some great pages here that you could use for any year level/occasion actually).
❤️ Having two assessment options to choose from (catering to interests).
❤️ An introduction to each of the assessment topics, including two short videos to watch to give students a wider understanding before they read their text.
🖥️ Microsoft PowerPoint, resized to an A4 page. This means your resource:
- Is completely editable.
- Will easily upload to your Google Drive if you prefer the Googley suite.
- Is printable 📃
🖥️ A PDF version of each document.
Also helpful are these related products:
✅ Unit Standard 22749 - Write a Text Under Test Conditions
✅ Unit Standard 22750 - Write a Crafted Text using Researched Material
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Feel free to purchase just one for your department - no need for a copy for each teacher. However:
- Please do NOT share with the school down the road.
- Please do NOT take it with you to a new school.
- Feel free to suggest the website to others - that'd be great!
That's pretty fair I think! Let's help each other out. :)