NCEA English Level 1 programme planning help
If you're feeling overwhelmed with planning for the new NCEA English Achievement Standards for Level 1, this strategy, complete with templates, might help! I've tried to keep it simple and actionable. A wee example is included too! You might also find my video explanation here helpful.
Please note, this resource is included in the planning BUNDLE available here.
This resource includes:
⭐ Level 1 Programme Planning - a simple way to plan for the new Achievement Standards. Includes templates and and an example.
You and your colleagues will enjoy:
❤️ The single purchase able to be shared with all colleagues in YOUR English department. (Please do NOT share with other schools.)
❤️ Practical, actionable, steps that keep things simple!
❤️ Editability
❤️ Helpful hyperlinks
❤️ Being able to use this document in digital form, as well as print it.
🖥️ You'll receive a link to a Google app. This booklet has been produced in Google Slides resized to A4 pages for printing etc.
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Feel free to purchase just one for your department - no need for a copy for each teacher. However:
- Please do NOT share with the school down the road.
- Please do NOT take it with you to a new school.
- Feel free to suggest the website to others - that'd be great!
That's pretty fair I think! Let's help each other out. :)