3.5 Oral Text - Pitch the Premise
See the video flipbook here.
This editable resource is designed to guide students through NCEA Achievement Standard 3.5 Create and deliver a fluent and coherent oral text which develops, sustains, and structures ideas. Students take on the role of author or director of a text they've studied and pretend it has not been produced yet. They must pitch the idea to agents from a large publishing house (eg Penguin) or film production company (eg Netflix or Warner Brothers). Their aim is to convince these agents of the text's worth. Students are provided with access to planning documents to help them think critically about their text, and develop their ideas with regard to:
- purpose
- audience
- structure
- characters
- setting
- language
An additional video showing these extra planning documents is available here.
Included in this resource:
- A complete student workbook in Microsoft PowerPoint (resized as an A4 document).
- A PDF with links to Google documents, including:
- the complete workbook in Google Slides (identical to the PowerPoint one)
- a Google sheet planning document and a Google slides planning document (students can choose which they prefer)
- a feedback sheet in Google Docs which students can use to critique each other’s presentations and send back and forth digitally.
The student workbook includes:
A coversheet for the assessment task
A hyperlinked table of contents
Clearly unpacked achievement criteria
Checkpoints to help students manage their time
Key teaching/learning information
Hyperlinks to external sites and to help navigate the document (including a 'home' button on every page to take students to the table of contents).
You can:
- Edit / Tweak to suit your / your students' needs
- Share with students digitally so that they can work on it online
- Print as hard copy work booklets