1.2 Aspects of Studied Texts - TWO aspects illustrating an IDEA
This resource includes three booklets to help you and your students through NCEA 1.2 Demonstrate an Understanding of Specified Aspects of Studied Text(s). For this, students choose TWO aspects of their studied texts to discuss how they illustrate an idea. (Yes, I know the idea can be one of the two aspects, but I've found this can be confusing for the students.)
This resource includes:
⭐ A student preparation booklet. This includes:
- Checkpoints to help with time-management
- An explanation of what students must do
- Unpacked (student-speak) achievement criteria
- Activities to help students think of an idea from Little Red Riding Hood and then how aspects illustrate this idea. (Text is included in case students don't know the story.)
- An activity where students dabble in an Achieved-level answer for their Little Red Riding Hood activity.
- An example of a excellence-level response (hopefully!) for Little Red Riding Hood written on the template. Please note: this is NOT an NZQA exemplar - just me trying to get Excellence at Level 1 😁😂😱
⭐ An assessment booklet where students complete a template. This includes:
- A grading page to help you mark.
- A pre-formatted template to scaffold students through. Activities are broken into Achieved, Merit and Excellence level parts. This makes it easy for students to see where they're heading, and it's easier for you to mark also!
⭐ An assessment booklet where students write an essay. This includes:
- A grading page to help you mark.
- A suggested structure.
- Room to write.
- A checklist for students to ensure they've done all they can.
You and your students will enjoy:
❤️ Having a completely editable product. This means you can tweak things to suit your own needs and students can type straight into it if you're sharing booklets with them digitally.
❤️ A bit of humour.
❤️ Helpful things like checkpoints, checklists, scaffolding and an example.
❤️ Unpacked achievement criteria.
❤️ Clear indication of what constitutes Achieved, Merit and Excellence .
🖥️ Microsoft PowerPoint, resized to an A4 page. This means your resource:
- Is completely editable.
- Will easily upload to your Google Drive if you prefer the Googley suite.
- Is printable 📃
🖥️ PDF versions of each booklet too.
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